Office Depot / Office Max 5% Back to Schools Program
When you shop online, in the store, or over the phone and use our school ID number (70007976) 5% of your qualifying purchases goes back to the school to purchase instructional supplies throughout the year. Cards are available at the FRCS office.
S.H.A.R.E.S. Card
S.H.A.R.E.S. is an acronym for Supporting Humanities, Arts, Recreation, Education & Sports in our community. When you shop at a SaveMart, Lucky, or FoodMaxx Store, each swipe of the S.H.A.R.E.S. card earns up to 3% of qualified purchases for the organization you support.
Target Red Card - Take Charge of Education
When parents, teachers, and school supporters such as community members use the Target Red Card up to 1% of their purchase is donated to the designated school. These funds are distributed to FRCS each year in September and can really add up. So if you are a Target shopper please make sure to designate FRCS (school #30267) as your school of choice and use your Red Card.
Raley's Something Extra Card
FRCS now participates in the Raley's Something Extra Scrip Program. Participation is easier than ever. Simply choose Forest Ranch Charter School as an organization that you support and when you shop using your Something Extra card we will automatically benefit from your shopping. To sign up for a Something Extra card visit Raley's will send a percentage of everything you spend to FRCS on a quarterly basis. What could be simpler!
eScripFRCS has joined eScrip (ESI). Donations are made to the school by registering and using credit cards, debit cards, and store loyalty cards. These cards must be registered on the eScrip site at and the registered user must register as a supporter of Forest Ranch Charter School. That is all there is to it - they automatically send the school a percentage of all purchases made using those cards each month.